Come on in....

...take sanctuary....pull up a seat and have a quick ten minute break from the scarey real world. I will be posting my ramblings from the great hobby of wargaming from time to time. Hopefully there will be something to keep you here long enough to finish your mug of tea/coffee.

Throw your dice long and hard - that way if they arn't lucky they will at least chip some paint off the enemy ;-)
Enjoy........ Dr Simon

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Millers relief column......

I cant believe its coming to the end of february and my last entry was in early January. Work certainly gets in the way of play, and work has been more than a little hectic of late.

This new entry is dedicated to the host (Simon Miller) of our small but very well formed Wargames Club, the Muswell Militia, based in North London. Simon is coordinating alot of our efforts in putting on a huge Zama game at this years Salute. I think he may well be losing a little sleep at the prospect that the event is fast approaching. Anyway in an effort to calm his nerves - these pictures are of my part of the Carthaginian host.In this picture you can see the gathering forces - veteran infantry, skirmishers, some cavalry and some elephants. My Carthaginian cavalry didnt make it into the picture this time - due to traffic jams in North Africa at the time of the photo shoot.
These are around half the forces I am contributing - there are two more elephants, double the number of veteran infantry and more carthaginian cavalry massing.

The second photo is a close up of the carthaginian veteran infantry - painted by my friend Roger Wigham - Roger hand painted all the shields! I will have to cutthe spears down though - but that a minor job.

Lastly we have the tanks of the battlefield the Nellies....two more of these are presently being painted..... so Simon relax just a little - we might just get there in time!

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