Come on in....

...take sanctuary....pull up a seat and have a quick ten minute break from the scarey real world. I will be posting my ramblings from the great hobby of wargaming from time to time. Hopefully there will be something to keep you here long enough to finish your mug of tea/coffee.

Throw your dice long and hard - that way if they arn't lucky they will at least chip some paint off the enemy ;-)
Enjoy........ Dr Simon

Friday 22 June 2012

Touching base.....

Its been a while! But i've been busy behind the scenes. I've got a new wargaming den being constructed in the garden as i speak.....i'll post pictures when its near completion - but one aspects that is exciting us is being able to keep the game table up so that we can play bigger games. We have been fighting alot of I Aint Been Shot Mum with 28mm figures in north Africa and have been having alot of fun with those. We have also been playing Maurice with Ian's new matchstick armies (see them on Simon's blog: ) and having fun with those rules as well.

I have been organising my 28mm ECW armies - and i am going for 48 figure pik/shot units and 15-18 figure cavalry units - as  they just look the business to be honest. I have also been re-organising my 28mm Maximillian in Mexico armies - and i have quite a large collection now - over 7 24 man infantry regiments per side and around 5 12 man cavalry units per side - with everything from irregular lancers, Austrian Red Hussars and Belgian infantry and a scratch built fort!. I am presently rebasing some of it but aim to post photos of the entire collection over the summer.

I've also been doing the odd figure painting and i shall post up some of that now!
Dr Simon

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